This policy applies to all the oldomatic platforms (the “Site” or “Web Site” or “Mobile
Application” or “App” or “Us” or “We” or & quote Social Media Platforms &quote;), which is
operated and owned by oldomatic, marketed and/or managed by oldomatic. It is oldomatic’s
policy to comply with general laws for protecting user information and bank details shared for
purpose of availing oldomatic services. This regulates the processing of information
relating to you and grants you various rights in respect of your personal data.
Any Images, Data or Files Uploaded on the website must not be used without the consent of
the authorized personnel of the brand. The Web Site contains links to other web sites over
which we have no control.
oldomatic is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of other web sites to which
you choose to link from We encourage you to review the privacy policies of
those other web sites so you can understand how they collect, use and share your
This Privacy Policy is intended for all Users of oldomatic is dedicated to
respecting and protecting the privacy of our Users. All information User provides, such as
phone number, home address, current location, e-mail addresses or any additional personal
information found on the site, will be used solely to support User relationship with oldomatic.
oldomatic strives to develop innovative methods to serve Users even better. oldomatic is
designed to operate efficiently while keeping user’s privacy in mind. This Privacy Policy
outlines the types of personal information that oldomatic gathers from its users and takes
steps to safeguard it. In order to provide a personalized browsing experience, oldomatic may
collect information from you, which may include technical or other related information from
the device used to access oldomatic including without limitation to your current location. By
registering or using or visiting oldomatic platforms, you explicitly accept, without limitation or
qualification, the collection, use and transfer of the personal information provided by you in
the manner described in the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Kindly read the
Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy carefully as it affects your rights and
liabilities under law. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy,
‘User information’ for the purpose of this Policy includes the user’s personal information that
can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single person including name, email address,
residential address, phone number, photograph and other information collected by oldomatic
to provide specific services to the user through the Online Store. The user has the option not
to provide User Information if the user wishes not to avail the specific service for which the
User Information is required.
If any user is providing any User Information on behalf of any corporation, company,
institution, association or other entity, the user should be authorized by such corporation,
company, institution, association or other entity to provide such information to oldomatic.
oldomatic collects information from the user when creating a user account or when the user
is browsing for products, transacting an online purchase of products through the Online
Store or while posting comments, uploading content or participating in any offers or contests
or availing special gifts or communicating with customer support by phone, email or
oldomatic receives, scrutinizes and stores User Information for security and technical
reasons such as IP address, login id, email address, password, devise connection
information transaction history, date, time and duration of session on the Online Store.
oldomatic automatically receives the URL of the site from which a user came and the site to
which the user goes when the user leaves the Website. The Online Store receives the IP

address of the user’s computer and the type of web browser a user is using, email patterns,
etc. oldomatic will occasionally ask the user to complete optional online surveys. These
surveys may ask the user for contact information and demographic information (e.g., zip
code, age or profession).
The user can add or update the User Information on a regular basis. When the user updates
the User Information , oldomatic will keep a copy of the prior version for its records.
You are responsible for ensuring that your log-in credentials (your username and password)
are kept confidential.
In order to provide security measures, we have implemented technical and organizational
measures specially designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and
unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, due to the inherent open nature
of the Internet and wireless communications, we do not provide guarantee that your personal
information will be completely free from unauthorized access by third parties, because the
transferring of money over or through oldomatic’s Platforms are not within our exclusive
Use of oldomatic services, implies User’s acknowledgement and assumption of this risk
involved. oldomatic has made all reasonable efforts to put in place reasonable physical,
electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect.
We seek to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Information Technology Act,
2000 as amended and rules made there under to ensure the protection and preservation of
your privacy. However, it is your responsibility to not provide any sensitive data that you
would not want to make public. You should be aware that your account may be monitored by
the customers and service providers across the
We also use cookies to administer our platforms and deliver a personalized experience. For
additional detailed information on each of these, please see below.
To improve the responsiveness of the sites for our users, we may use “cookies”, or similar
electronic tools to collect information to assign each visitor a unique, random number as a
User Identification (User ID) to understand the user’s individual
interests using the Identified Computer. Unless you voluntarily identify yourself (through
registration, for example), we will have no way of knowing who you are, even if we assign a
cookie to your computer. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information
you supply (an example of this is when you ask for our Personalized Horoscope). A cookie
cannot read data off your hard drive. Our advertisers may also assign their own cookies to
your browser (if you click on their ads), a process that we do not control.
Our web servers automatically collect limited information about your computer’s connection
to the Internet, including your IP address, when you visit our site. (Your IP address is a
number that lets computers attached to the Internet know where to send you data — such as
the web pages you view.) Your IP address does not identify you personally. We use this
information to deliver our web pages to you upon request, to tailor our site to the interests of
our users, to measure traffic within our site and let advertisers know the geographic locations
from where our visitors come
oldomatic uses the information we gather on the Web Site, whether personal, demographic,
collective or technical, for the purposes of operating and improving the Web Site, fostering a
positive user experience, and delivering the products and
services that we offer. If you have provided consent to do so, we may also use the
information gathered to inform you of other services available or our affiliated companies or
to contact you for receiving feedback regarding current services or potential and services

that may be offered. We may also provide additional communications and information on
new services which may be of interest to you. The nature and frequency of these
messages will vary depending upon the information we have about you. However, you may
choose to refrain from receiving the same while opting out at the time of registration or may
be later as and when you decide to do so. Although we are committed to protecting your
privacy, we do not promise, and you
should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always
remain private. It may be shared to third parties as and when required. As a user of the
platforms, understand and agree that you assume all responsibility and risk for your use of
the platforms, the internet generally, and the documents you post or access and for your
conduct on and off the Web Sites.
We may share your information with third parties who help us in the delivery of our services
to you. We disclose information to companies and individuals we employ to perform
functions on our behalf.
We believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action
regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the
physical safety of any person, violations of oldomatic’s Terms of Use, or as otherwise
required by law.
We transfer information about you if oldomatic is acquired by or merged with another
company. In this event, we will notify you before transferring or disclosing your personal
information. oldomatic may or may not provide links to third party services from within
Service. oldomatic is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these third-
party services and such links should not be construed as an endorsement of any such third-
party services by us.
oldomatic shall not be responsible for any act of the user’s or third parties which is contrary
to the Terms of Use or Laws. oldomatic shall not be held responsible for the illegal act of the
user towards the other.
The Web Site is not directed to children under the age of 18 years. We do not knowingly
collect personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of 18 years. We do
not specifically collect information about children without parental consent or supervision.
We encourage you to participate in your child’s experience with oldomatic.
We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Use of information we collect now is
subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used. If we make
changes in the way we use Personal Information, we will notify you by posting an
announcement on our website or contacting you directly via email or other means. You are
bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy when you use the
Website after such changes have been first posted.
The User may unsubscribe from oldomatic advertisement/marketing messages. All
unsubscribe or opt-out requests should be sent to us at and
oldomatic, will process the Users request within a reasonable time after receipt. However,
oldomatic5 is not responsible for removing Users personal information from the lists of any
third party to whom User has shared information at his/her own discretion. The User should
contact such third parties directly and if user does contact, we assume that you have
acknowledged all the risk involved therein.
This Policy is to be read in conjunction with and shall be deemed to be part of the Online
Store’s Terms of Use and Terms and Conditions of Sale.
The User Information resides in oldomatic Shopping’s database for a certain period of time

even after the user ceases to use or access the Online Store and in such cases oldomatic
Shopping is not be liable for any usage of the User Information after the user ceases to use
or access the Online Store.
The Users agree and acknowledge that User Information collated through the Online Store
could be stored and processed in any other country across the world. The users
acknowledge that for effective provision of the Online Store’s services in respective
territories including territories outside India, the User Information may be stored or
processed by trusted third parties. Whenever the User Information is shared with trusted
third parties in countries outside India, oldomatic Shopping endeavors that the User
Information is transferred in accordance with the applicable laws of India.
The user should be aware that the User Information or other data, the user provides to the
Online Store for availing the services or transacting through the Online Store could be read,
collected, or used by other users or third parties in which case the User Information might be
used for sending unsolicited messages or communications for which oldomatic Shopping is
not responsible.
The user agrees and acknowledges oldomatic Shopping’s right to utilize the user’s posts,
contents, information and other personal data for the purpose of providing services through
the Online Store. The contents on the Website may contain comments, post and reviews
posted by the users which may be public and searchable on the internet in which case the
user’s comments, post reviews and information and personal data provided to the Online
Store may be viewed by other users and oldomatic Shopping cannot guarantee that other
users or third parties have not made copies of or used the ideas and information that the
user has shared on the Online Store.
Use of the oldomatic Service is governed by, and subject to, the Terms of Service. This
Privacy Policy is incorporated into such terms.
For questions or concerns relating to privacy, feel free to contact us at
We will make every effort to resolve your concern.